About the Faculty

The Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT) is a member of the University of Primorska and was founded in 2006 (see the booklet for more information).

The Faculty offers courses at all three levels of higher education and conducts research in the fields of mathematics, computer science and information technology, and in the natural sciences. The Faculty works closely with the University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute (UP IAM), where most of the academic staff of UP FAMNIT are currently conducting research activities.

CLIMOS – Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation with Cost-benefit and Climate-policy Measures brings together researchers, healthcare and veterinary practitioners, technology platform designers and at-risk communities, from 29 entities from 16 different countries, to conduct innovative and applied research. CLIMOS seeks to provide better understanding of climate and environmental drivers of sand fly borne diseases, to reduce model uncertainties for better prognosis of their current and potential spread, and to provide socio-economic and risk assessments for a diversity of stakeholders.