General info and Abstract Submission


                 The deadline for abstract submission for ISOPS XI is extended (for the last time)

June 30 2024

The Symposium’s official language is English. 

The format for the abstracts is the following:

Abstract content

Software: The abstracts should be typed on a word processor (“.doc” or “.docx” format).

Title: Type in Calibri, 11 pt, Bold, single-spaced, as brief as possible. Scientific names in the title in italics, in lowercase.

Authors: Leave one line, 10 pt between the title and authors. The surname and name should be written, and the superscript should be inserted at the end with no space. The presenter’s name should be underlined; the Corresponding author’s name should be indicated by an asterisk; the superscript should not be underlined and follow the asterisk. Listed names should be separated by a comma, e.g. Adam Katja1, Smith T. Michael2

Font, size, spacing, alignment: Type in Calibri font, sentence-case, single-spaced, with specific spaces between paragraphs, as described in each section and justified paragraph alignment. The first line of the paragraphs should not be indented.

Address of institution: It should be written in Italics, Calibri 9 pt. The name of the institution should precede the location, if the location is not included in the name of the institution (e.g. Institute of Microbiology and Imunology, University of Ljubljana (IMI UL), Slovenia). When more than one institution is mentioned, the reference superscript should be written before the name, e.g. Fisher Živa1,2, Zupan Sara2,3

Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT), Koper, Slovenia

Department of Biology, University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia

*Corresponding author: Leave one line, 11pt and write the corresponding author’s e-mail address.

Abstract: Leave one line, 10 pt between keywords and abstract text. There should not be a space between paragraphs. Abbreviations may be used after the reference has been written out in full in parentheses after the first appear in the text. The text should be no longer than 250 words. Tables, illustrations, and references may not be inserted.

Keywords: Leave one line, 10 pt between abstract text and keywords. Write only the word “Keyword” in bold. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords may be inserted.

Only communications related to Phlebotomine sand flies will be accepted.

Send your abstract as an attached file to the email:

Please notice that abstracts will be returned for formatting if they do not comply with the format mentioned above.

Please indicate if you prefer to do an oral communication or a poster. You will be informed by the committee on July, 15th if you will do an oral communication or a poster.

Only the speakers (oral communication) or presenting authors (poster) registered for the symposium (and registration fee paid) will have their communications considered by the committee.

The official book (downloadable just after the congress) will only include oral communications and posters presented during the congress.

Oral Presentations

Speakers of all sessions are expected to respect the time limit of communication which will be 10 minutes. A powerpoint presentation must be deposited to symposium attendance at the beginning of each session.

Poster Presentations

Posters should be printed in the A0 Format (Width – horizontal: 90 cm and Length – vertical: 120 cm). They will be fixed on the stands.